Love Your Enemies? Jesus Can’t Be Serious… Right?

In a world where cancel culture thrives, where grudges last a lifetime, and where revenge is often seen as justice, Jesus’ words in Matthew 5:43-44 hit like a thunderclap.

“You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.”

Wait… what?

Love our enemies? Pray for people who hurt us? Surely, Jesus wasn’t being literal. Surely, this is one of those verses that isn’t meant to be taken seriously in today’s world.

Or is it?

The Uncomfortable Truth About This Verse

Many Christians love the idea of love—when it applies to friends, family, and the neighbor who bakes cookies for the whole street. But when it comes to the people who have betrayed us, slandered us, or wounded us deeply, love suddenly seems unrealistic.

But Jesus doesn’t give an escape clause. He doesn’t say, “Love your enemies… unless they really hurt you.” Instead, He shatters our expectations and calls us to something radically different from the world’s standard of love.

Let’s unpack why Jesus commands this, what it means, and how we are supposed to live it out.

What Did Jesus Really Mean?

At first glance, Jesus seems to be quoting Scripture:

“You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’”

But here’s the twist—the Bible never actually says to hate your enemy.

The command to “love your neighbor” is from the Law (Leviticus 19:18), but the “hate your enemy” part was a misinterpretation added by some Jewish teachers over time. The Pharisees and religious leaders had redefined “neighbor” to mean only their fellow Israelites, implying that outsiders, Gentiles, and enemies didn’t qualify for love.

Jesus flips this human tendency on its head. He doesn’t just correct the misunderstanding—He raises the standard and expands the definition of love to include even those who oppose us.

“But I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.”

The Shocking Nature of Jesus’ Command

This command is radical for three reasons:

  1. It goes against human nature.
    • When someone wrongs us, our natural response is to retaliate, not to love.
    • Revenge and resentment feel justified—but Jesus calls us to something higher.
  2. It contradicts the culture of the time.
    • Jewish tradition permitted hatred for outsiders and enemies.
    • Roman law encouraged vengeance and retribution.
    • But Jesus introduces a countercultural ethic of mercy, forgiveness, and love.
  3. It reflects God’s own character.
    • God loves even those who reject Him.
    • He gives sunshine and rain to both the righteous and the wicked (Matthew 5:45).
    • While we were still sinners, Christ died for us (Romans 5:8).

Jesus doesn’t ask us to do something He wouldn’t do. Instead, He models it—through His life, His ministry, and ultimately, His death on the cross.

What Does “Loving Your Enemy” Look Like? (Practical Theology)

Loving an enemy doesn’t mean approving of their actions. It doesn’t mean being passive in the face of injustice.

So what does it mean?

1. Praying for Those Who Hurt You

Jesus doesn’t just say, “Love your enemies.” He says, “Pray for those who persecute you.”


Because prayer transforms hearts.

  • It softens your own heart toward your enemy.
  • It shifts your focus from anger to God’s mercy.
  • It aligns your perspective with Christ’s.

When Jesus was being crucified, He didn’t curse His executioners. He prayed:

“Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.” (Luke 23:34)

If Jesus could pray for those literally killing Him, surely we can pray for those who have wronged us.

2. Doing Good to Those Who Hate You

Paul expands on Jesus’ teaching in Romans 12:20-21:

“If your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink. For by doing so, you will heap burning coals on his head. Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.”

Loving our enemies means responding with unexpected kindness.

  • Instead of arguing, respond with patience.
  • Instead of gossiping, speak well of them.
  • Instead of shutting them out, show them hospitality.

This doesn’t just reflect Jesus—it disarms hostility and can even lead to repentance.

3. Forgiving as Christ Forgave

Forgiveness is the hardest part of loving enemies. But it’s also the most Christlike.

“Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.” (Ephesians 4:32)

Forgiveness doesn’t mean excusing sin. It means releasing the right to revenge and leaving justice to God.

Does This Mean We Let People Walk All Over Us?

A valid question. Jesus isn’t saying to enable abuse or stay in toxic situations.

What Jesus Is NOT Saying:

  • He is not saying we should be passive doormats.
  • He is not saying justice doesn’t matter.
  • He is not saying we should stay in harmful relationships.

What Jesus IS Saying:

  • Instead of hating enemies, we should love them.
  • Instead of seeking revenge, we should seek their good.
  • Instead of letting bitterness fester, we should pray for them.

Jesus Himself confronted sin boldly. He rebuked the Pharisees (Matthew 23). He flipped tables in the temple (John 2:13-16). But He still loved His enemies.

How This Points to Jesus

At its core, this passage reveals the Gospel.

  • We were once God’s enemies. (Romans 5:10)
  • But instead of judgment, God pursued us in love.
  • Instead of condemning us, Jesus took our place on the cross.

Jesus didn’t just teach this command—He lived it.

And He calls us to follow in His footsteps.

How to Apply This in Everyday Life

1. Start Praying for Your Enemies (Even If You Don’t Feel Like It)

Choose one person who has hurt you and pray for them every day for a week. Ask God to bless them. You’ll be amazed at how it changes your heart.

2. Respond with Unexpected Kindness

If someone wrongs you—whether at work, in your family, or online—choose grace over retaliation. Maybe that means:

  • Sending a kind message instead of snapping back.
  • Doing something thoughtful for someone who has been rude.
  • Forgiving even when they don’t deserve it.

Final Thoughts: The Challenge of Loving Like Jesus

Jesus never said following Him would be easy. Loving our enemies is one of the hardest commands in the Bible. But it’s also one of the most powerful.

Because when we love like this, we don’t just obey Christ—we become like Him.

And that is how we change the world.

Now, your turn: Who is one person you can pray for today? Drop a comment below and let’s encourage each other to live out this radical love.

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